to give You the Ultimate in .......

one of the most versatile, secure and powerful wealth building concepts regarding single-family housing today.  A Quality Affordable “Smart Home” not only acts as a primary residence, but when combined with the “Smart Home Program (SHP)” can allow you to realistically become a millionaire and possibly a whole lot more in 16.25 years.  Check out the “snapshot” valuations below.

And if you combine this with “Safe Haven Home” design features, your home can offer a secure, energy independent, EMP resistant, severe weather protection among other concepts to act as a refuge and retreat dwelling for your family.   We believe you will be AMAZED!!

Realistically Become a
Millionaire (and Beyond)

In this section, “Realistically Become a Millionaire” (and Beyond), we show you seven different price comparisons that will help you to see the incredible financial benefits that a “Smart Home” in combination with the “Smart Home Program”  can accomplish.  Please check it out by SCROLLING BELOW.

Amount Saved with a 30 year Rental =          $0

with 16 year “Smart Home and SHP” = $873,050

30 year “Smart Home and SHP” =      $1,846,546

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"Snap Shot" View of Potential Valuations

Before we show you the detailed values and calculations used to validate how we “Realistically Become a Millionaire (and Beyond), we wanted to give a quick snapshot view of those values.  Athough we presented this section in our Home Page, we want to have it readily available for your viewing to show you the great potential inherent in the “Smart Home” concept working in conjunction with the “Smart Home Program”.

Below you will see the valuations given to different housing scenarios in comparison to four different “Smart Home” plans.  All the “Smart Home” plans use the “Smart Home Program (SHP)” for enhanced wealth generation.  And all of them use realistic values based on values that were prevalent during the time of these calculations.          

  1. Amount made RENTING out a similar sized home for 30 years                                                                           $ 0
  2. Amount made with a “Smart Home” and “Smart Home Program” with a mortgage for 16.25 years               $   873,050
  3. Amount made without “Smart Home & SHP” house using a 30 year standard mortgage                             $   1,130,154
  4. “Smart Home” using “SHP”, paying off a 30 year mortgage in 16.25 years and renting to 30 yr.                     $ 1,492,291
  5.  Similar to #4 only adding “Imaginary Mortgage Savings Plan (IMSP)”                                                        $ 1,846,546
  6. Being able to buy two “Smart Homes” and pay-off both in 32.5 years with only one mortgage                    $  2,911,743
  7. Similar to #6 only adding “Imaginary Mortgage Savings Plan (IMSP) to it on only one house                       $ 3,265,998                

One thing we want to point out is that in all the examples above, the homes are fully paid for except in the case of example #1 where you RENT a house. In most of this website, we explain in detail how you can amass the robust values we have shown above with single family housing.  One thing for sure, you really want to find out how mortgages can help you secure your financial concerns at the same time provide for needed housing for you and your family.  

We showed from the “What is a Smart Home” page that employing the “Smart Home” concept with the “Smart Home Program”, we were able to completely PAY-OFF a $400,000 “Smart Home” in 16.25 years.  Extending the time frame another 13.75 years and continuing to rent the “addition” for $850/mo. and utilize the “Imaginary Mortgage” savings plan, we were able to calculate the potential value of this home in 30 years to achieve $1,846,546 as shown above.  What follows on this page is a description of an investment plan that allows a family to pay-off and thereby own up to two “Smart Homes” within a period of 32.5 years (a period of time close to a standard 30 year mortgage that most people carry on only one home).  Moreover, and this cannot be understated, we show realistic examples (with calculations) how you can potentially become an owner of TWO “Smart Homes” with a value of over $2.9 million within a 32.5 year time frame.  And utilizing our “Imaginary Mortgage Savings Plan” with it, make over $3.2 million in the same time frame.  It’s truly worth checking out.

Realistically Become a Millionaire (and Beyond)


In this section, “Realistically Become a Millionaire (and Beyond)”, we take you beyond the 16 years and 3 months that a $400,000 mortgage was taken out to build a “Smart Home”. We take you on an additional journey of 13 years and 9 months to fulfill a time frame of a standard 30 year mortgage. We believe you will be absolutely amazed at the financial benefits that can be achieved with this realistic example using the “Smart Home Program”.


In the “What is a Smart Home” and “Smart Home Program” section we are able to demonstrate, using a realistic example, the incredible savings/profits you can make by employing the “Smart Home Program”.  Just to mention a few accomplishments, we were able to pay-off a $400,000 – 30 year mortgage in only 16 years and three months.  And not only that, by using the “Smart Home Program” we saved a total of $187,649 in mortgage interest payments as well.  Then we added a total of $165,750 with rental income during this period of time.  All this would not have been possible without employing the financial strategies incorporated in the “Smart Home Program”.  These two major profit contributors alone amounted to a total of $353,399 (made or saved, depending on how you look at this) in the first 16 years and 3 months in which you are now a 100% owner of a “Smart Home.  Moreover, we were also able to show that the increased home equity valuations within those 16 years came to a total of $327,576 for a grand total of $921,800 saved ($353,399 + $327,576 + $400,00 home = $921,800).  However, we did incur an amount of $48,000 to service the mortgage debt which reduces our true value to $873,050. This is still an incredible amount, for in only 16.25 years you were able to amass a total of $873,050 in equity and profit using the “Smart Home Program”.  Now we introduce you to “How to Realistically Become a Millionaire” (and Beyond) and hope you can see and comprehend the extraordinary benefits that the “Smart Home Program” has to offer.

Phase III

In the steps to “Realistically Becoming a Millionaire” (and more) we consider what would happen in the next 14 years by continuing with the strategies that you employed in Phase I and II of the “The Smart Home Program”.  If you haven’t read what Phase I and II can accomplish, we recommend that you do so to gain a better understanding of how all this works by CLICKING HERE.  However, it is not necessary to do so to comprehend the essence of what we are presenting.

The goal of Phase III is to establish a Super Savings Account which becomes part and parcel to your investment portfolio and a solid foundation for nest egg development through the vehicle of home ownership.  Our thesis in this consideration was, why not continue with “The Smart Home Program” you had started and maintained for over 16 years?  We asked,  “Let’s see what happens if you continue using the “Smart Home Program” by paying an imaginary mortgage for another 14 years and 9 months to complete a standard 30 year mortgage?”  We thought this would be very feasible since your had been doing this over 16 years anyway.  Moreover, since a majority of homeowners opt for a standard 30 year mortgage, we feel it’s fair to use this as a standard for comparison. 

Previously we were paying around $2,147/mo. for our mortgage.  However, this did not include the $850 rental income we were getting from our renter.  We included this income in the mortgage payment so we could pay-off the mortgage as soon as possible, which was accomplished in 16 years and 3 months as mentioned earlier.  In establishing the “Smart Home III” example, we will save the mortgage amount of $2,147/mo. into our “imaginary mortgage” saving plan and defer the rental income of $850/mo. to it’s own fund for the remaining 13.75 years to give us our 30 year period.

As a comment, after 16 years, higher rental costs have most likely occurred, so we can probably charge $1,000/mo. or higher (remember the rental includes utilities and access to WiFi at no extra cost to our renter which is probably worth $150).  However, in this example we are not going to add extra rent and just keep with our $850/mo. income for the remaining 14 years and 9 months.  In so doing, we continue the conservative nature of our projections.

Without presenting this example in detail, I believe very few people would have an understanding of the opportunity provided with this “Smart Home Strategy” for outstanding wealth generation.  Would it ever occur to anyone that you could realistically save this HUGE amount of money?  Moreover, we haven’t even considered the typical equity increases you could expect to occur within the next 14 years and 9 months.  Nor does this look into placing these savings into a high yield paying account such as bonds, annuities or high dividend paying stocks to provide you with even a higher yield.  

In Phase II of the “Smart Home Program” we calculated a conservative 4% yearly equity increase that we assumed should take place under normal market conditions.  For a $400,000 home (paid off in 16 years and 3 months using the “Smart Home Program”) we see an equity increase of $327,576 for a total of home value of $873,050 which includes the home value of $400,000.  

To the right, you will see an Equity table which shows the yearly equity increases at 4% yearly following the 16 years after the home was paid off.  This will help you to get a picture of the yearly increase in equity valuations that can occur.

We need to point out that our example and Comparison Tables are realistically made up ones, using current data, rates and tax tables.  We also want to point out that in real life It is doubtful that you will have a renter always renting and that there never will be any hitches along the way.  Since this is a hypothetical example, we are providing the best case potential for what the “Smart Home Program” is capable of.  This applies to equity valuations as well.  In this respect, it is also unlikely that you will experience consistent 4% increases every single year in a row.  In fact, it is likely that there may well be a period of time that a negative equity valuation may occur.  For example, following the real estate credit implosion in 2008 when nose bleed real estate values collapsed in some cases nearly 50% from their high, it did take single family houses  7 to 10 years  to  recoup their previous 2008 levels  (which

Home Value Equity Multiplier Total HV + Total
17th year - 0.04
18th year - 0.04
19th year - 0.04
20th year - 0.04
21st year - 0.04
22nd year - 0.04
23rd year - 0.04
24th year - 0.04
25th year - 0.04
26th year - 0.04
27th year - 0.04
28th year - 0.04
29th year - 0.04
30th year - 0.04

took place around 2015-2018).  Yet, the opposite can also take place.   At the time of this writing in 2023,  we have experienced around a 15% – 25% real estate increase per year.  Houses that were bought around 2-3 years ago have in some cases doubled in value.  Now as we go into the third to fourth year, there does not yet appear an end in sight, at least not yet.   Therefore using a 4% equity increase in the next 13.75 year period which adds up to a standard 30 year mortgage time frame seems reasonable. 

Now, let’s calculate what our future “Smart Home 3” example will provide in the next 13 years and 9 months to complete a full 30 year mortgage time frame.  To do so, we will plug our comparison table again and add in Part III which looks at the continuation of funding a Super Savings Program.  We believe you will be pleasantly surprised.  To best illustrate this, let’s use a simple addition format.

Total Rental Income (generated in 30 years)……………………………………  $306,000

IRS Savings on Mortgage Interest……………………………………………………   $213,848

Mortgage Interest paid…………………………………………………………………..  -$185,000

Property tax paid  paid……………………………………………………………………  -$90,000

Savings from the “Imaginary Mortgage” made in 13.75 years…………….   $354,255

Home Equity increase in 30 years at 4% interest…………………………….   $847,443

House Value ………………………………………………………………………………….  $400,000

TOTAL Value in 30 years………………………………………………………………..  $1,846,546

At this point, we have achieved this highest level of profitability of any of our examples using only one “Smart Home”.  It is quite remarkable and noteworthy to achieve over $1.7 million in asset value and savings over this period of time.  What I truly like about this type of asset is that it is a physical one as opposed to a paper asset such as exhibited in stocks and bonds.  This is not meant to come against stocks and bonds, but one that should certainly be part of a balanced portfolio.  But the advantage of this type of an asset is that it’s extremely beneficial and productive.  Beneficial for providing needed housing for the owner but also productive for income generation in rental and equity increase at the same time.

What About a 2nd "Smart Home"?

Another possibility we recommend for your consideration is becoming an owner of two “Smart Homes”.  Here is a game plan for you to seriously consider: after paying off your first “Smart Home” in the 16 years and 3 months that we previously described, why not build another “Smart Home”?  This can become an investment property and should actually be easier to pay-off than your first “Smart Home”.  This is possible because you can now rent out both the main section of the house and the “in-law” section at the same time.  Combining both incomes, you should be able to cover the cost of the mortgage and associated costs (property tax, insurance and maintenance) without dipping into your own funds.  Yet, even if this were needed, you have an additional income generator with your rental income from the first “Smart Home”.  And if we consider the total income available to pay-off you’re second “Smart Home”, you have the two potential sources from the second “Smart Home”, the rental from your first “Smart Home” and if possible, even use the “Imaginary Savings Program” from the first home if you would decide to add this income to pay-off the second house mortgage in super fast.

If you were to employ a second “Smart Home 2” investment property with the same goal of paying off the mortgage in approximately 16.25 years, you would own two “Smart Homes” free and clear in 32.5 years.  Now, let’s see what the total value of both homes add up to.  Our first “Smart Home” is valued at $873,050 after paying-off a full $400,000 mortgage in 16.25 years.  At this point, we simply build a second “Smart Home” immediately following the first one.  When completed, we can now rent out the main part of the second “Smart Home” and most likely get around $2,000/mo., again, depending where this is located.  And if we wanted to, we could even rent out the “addition” at our standard $850/mo. (take note that by now, you would more than likely get $1,000 -$1,500/mo. nearly 17 years later, or even higher).  By adding both of these figures   

  1. We paid off two “Smart Homes” within a 32 year period.
  2. We are owner of our personal home and an investment home (it could also be a second home for recreation, retreat, etc.).
  3. And extremely important, our total equity ownership will be in the amount shown below…….

$2,038,693 + $873,050 = $2,911,743

This is truly noteworthy.  Only beginning with a yearly income of $90,000 (which we did not alter to a higher level whatsoever, although after 16.25 years you should attain a higher yearly salary), after a little more than 32 years, we have shown how you can become an owner of two “Smart Homes”.  Not only that, we have shown with the financial perks of tax deductions and home equity valuations that these two homes offer a $2,911,743 profit benefit, nearly $3,000,000.  Compare this to a standard house based on similar square footage using a standard 30 year mortgage.  Future valuation of this home, using similar factors, would come in at $1,130,154.  With our two home example, we are able to produce a savings benefit of over $1.7 million between owning two “Smart Homes” and using just one standard mortgage.  This is a huge difference!  And truthfully, it would not be any more difficult financing such an arrangement than taking out your first mortgage.  In fact, with your salary and financial backup being similar, paying-off the second mortgage on House #2 (remember you already paid of the first mortgage on “Smart Home #1), should almost be a breeze because of addtional rental capability from the second house and the first as well, as we explained earlier.   

Moreover, if you wanted to aggressively rent out the second home, the rental totals for the two independent living arrangements could add up to a hefty sum. As an example, if you would rent the main portion of the “Smart Home” for a monthly rental fee of $2,000 and add the $850/mo. for the “addition”, your total yearly income would be $34,200 ($2,000 + $850 = $34,200/yr. x 16.25 yr. = $552,500 income in 16.25 years used to pay-off the second “Smart Home”).  Realize that this is not pure profit in your pocket, as income taxes would have to be paid on this income. Yet, it points out the great potential that is possible.

As a super interesting side note, if you total the amount of principle and cost of interest charged via the 30 year mortgage that you were able to pay-off in only 16.25 years, this total would be $585,374.  Incredibly, in this scenario, the entire rental of the “Smart Home” would nearly pay the entire mortgage.  Of course, this not take into consideration any tax deductions you could take advantage of nor the additional income tax burden that would have to be calculated.  But assuming the deductions cancel out the amount of tax you would have to pay, your contribution for a paid-off home would only be $32,874.  Can you imagine, only having to pay $32,874 to become owner of a second “Smart Home” that initially costs $400,000 to buy and/or build and after 16.25 years could be valued at $1,130,154 (not accounting for expense of maintenance and some other minor costs).  Again, we are showing you the phenomenal possibilities and opportunities that are available with a “Smart Home”, which we believe, is a very smart thing to do. 

A Super “Smart Home”

I catergorize a super “Smart Home” as one that provides up to three distinct living areas, each being able to be utilized separately.  An an example of such is the “Windsor”, our featured home which we offer for you to take a Tour in (to do so, CLICK HERE).  I mention this especially in light of the recent hotel rates we have heard taking place in the Sarasota/Bradenton, FL market.  The lowest rate for a one room rental is $350 per night!  Utilizing the “Windsor” upstairs studio arrangement can provide even greater potential.  Again, the possibilities truly abound with the “Smart Home” concept.


We hope that we have given you serious encouragement to pursue the goal of wealth generation through the use of a “Smart Home” design in conjunction with the “Smart Home Program”.  We truly believe it is a worthy goal.

There is no question the fantastic potential that a “Smart Home” can accomplish.  We also hope that you will consider combining the “Smart Home Program” with the “Safe Haven Home” design characteristics for providing a safe, energy Independent and secure home.  For more information what the ‘Safe Haven Home” design format entails and reasons why believe it is a foremost design necessity today, please visit “Safe Haven Homes” by CLICKING HERE.  We hope that you will be able to see the incredible potential this design concept offers to not only provide you with a primary residence that is safe, energy independent and secure but also incorporate both retreat and refuge living capability and more. 

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